Welcome to Compliance Consultants...

...the more you learn...the more you will want us for FDA!


Our site is designed to inform you about subjects critical to your success. Usually our clients are trusting us with their future. We do not take that obligation lightly. This site will continue to grow to cover pertinent issues. Visit us at http://www.complianceconsultants.com. Welcome to Compliance Consultants...

...the more you learn...the more you will want us for FDA!

Scientific Method involves the following steps:

Observation- You observe something in the material world, using your senses or machines which are basically extensions of those senses.

Question- You ask a question about what you observe.

Hypothesis- You predict what you think the answer to your question might be

Method - You figure out a way to test whether hypothesis is correct. The outcome must be measureable. (quantifiable)

Result- You do the experiment using the method you came up with and record the results. You repeat the experiment to confirm your results.

Conclusion- You state whether your prediction was confirmed or not and try to explain your results.

A conclusion will often lead to another question, which can lead to another experiment, which can lead to another conclusion, and on and on. The conclusion is only a starting point, not an ending point.

Each new scientific fact is a piece of the puzzle. Each new piece can change the appearance of entire sections of the picture or fit where one did not expect it to. When scientists have an answer to a question they have asked, they share their results with other scientists in papers, magazine articles, lectures, posters or displays at conventions. This way, new puzzle pieces can be checked out, and the fit tested.

copyright by Compliance Consultants, Stamford, CT USA, September 2001



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Stamford CT 06907 USA
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