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  Welcome to Compliance Consultants...

...the more you learn...the more you will want us for FDA!

marketing investigations

Marketing Investigations

C2 will conduct a marketing fact finding project as an adjunct to launching new medical devices in the U.S. to focus on new high technology medical marketplaces. You receive information about what is going on in the marketplace right now not what happened. A typical project can be summarized as follows.


Definitions & Who's Who

C2 will establish detailed definitions to identify the marketplace.  These definitions would consist of: who purchases similar systems, who uses it in the field, which regulates products, who delivers the services, and what performance or accuracy are required. C2 will identify all major influences in the marketplace including both the formal and informal influences in the marketplace including: 

          a) Competition

          b) Potential Purchasers

          c) Population, industries, regions at risk,

          d) related demographics.



All aspects will be included to define the marketplace, who buys, the size of the markets, age of the markets, past / future history of the market, impact articles {recently published to identify trends in the marketplace} print articles, trade shows, primary competitors, shadow competitors {who is likely to be deprived of income due to the success of your product} or who is likely to actively compete for the equipment or service which would result in lower sales. C2 will define the current marketplace in detail with all appropriate listings. We include all forecasts and trends, which may have a significant effect on the market.



We will identify competing treatments currently used by physicians, demographics of the prescribing physicians and specific products for treatment.



We define patient demographics, population, and the most likely regions to need the service, current diagnostic efforts, etc.



C2 defines the cost elasticity for the product,

The mark up chain citing actual manufacturers, distributors, and wholesalers to establish the price structure. This structure may be complex involving multiple structures and various products.



We assemble information to establish the expected service and performance of your therapeutic or treatment device.


Potential Purchasers

C2 provides a list of potential purchasers (accumulated from many different sources). These potential purchasers could be actively solicited as well as potential OEM distributors as part of the product launch. We can even provide

sources from which to derive mailing lists. 



We identify leading advocates, political action committee, legislative review bodies, etc. which would be of interest. These groups or personalities would have had some notoriety or public reaction the concept they advocate. 


Competitive Manufacturers

We identify current and similar products for competing technology that could affect sales. Of these manufacturer's we can detail their product costs including:  industries, R & D and manufacturing costs. We would also identify current providers of services who may purchase or use your device.


Regulatory Controls

We identify what agencies {both mandatory and participatory} regulate your product such as: FDA, OSHA, EPA, etc. We identify those institutions who govern activities related to the market, processes, health risk, equipment, etc. C2 will identify authorities, trade unions or standards that regulate the performance of the product with agencies such as:  FDA, UL, OSHA, EPA, Red Cross, or AMA We also identify accepted accuracy for related test data.


Data Collection and presentation

We collect data empirically. All sources are personally contacted by phone to verify the information which applies. Usually over 100 conversations with various significant personalities and challenges are conducted. We maintain a log of conversations and as data arrives we organize and build the data into appropriate volumes for presentation. You receive:

          Customer Publications,

          Trade Publications,

          Scientific Journals,

          Institutional Bodies,

          Trade Shows,

          Lobby Organizations,

          Patient Support Groups,

          sample magazines,

          trade show announcements,

          magazine articles,

          journal publications, etc.

          product brochures from competitors,

          complete prices

          media reviews or reactions concerning   available products.

          current magazines & trade shows.

We collect information packages from related institutional governing bodies who police or organize other users or manufacturers and may issue specifications or standards. 


All data would be researched & authenticated prior to presentation. We verify all phone numbers, data, and accuracy of data.


Significant Legal / Legislative Activities

We identify any significant legislation or legal activities, which could have a significant effect on the product or on the regulatory environment in the marketplace.


Merchandising Structure

As part of defining the merchandising structure, we define the overall price, distribution, inventory turns, competitive point of sale promotions, point of sale incentives and mark up chains. Our analysis follows a competitor's product from the time the product leaves their shipping dock until it is used by the patient. Where applicable, we can research various accepted insurance re-reimbursement rates for the product.

copyright by Compliance Consultants, Stamford, CT USA, September 2001



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  Compliance Consultants
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