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...the more you learn...the more you will want us for FDA!


Our site is designed to inform you about subjects critical to your success. Usually our clients are trusting us with their future. We do not take that obligation lightly. This site will continue to grow to cover pertinent issues. Visit us at http://www.complianceconsultants.com.  

a successful sales stradegy

To develop a successful sales strategy to launch a U.S. marketing plan, you must determine your competitor’s position and create a definition for these parameters:

·        a defensive patent and trademark strategy,

·        a revenue model for U.S. sales,

·        a product and distribution cost structure,

·        a promotional strategy,

·        a distribution strategy, and

·        compensation structure.

If you do not have information about your competitor’s position consider a marketing investigation to determine such data.



copyright by Compliance Consultants, Stamford, CT USA, September 2001



home back venture capital

  Compliance Consultants
1151 Hope Street
Stamford CT 06907 USA
voice 203 329 2700
fax 203 329 2345