FDA, 510K, PMA, CDRH, ISO, IEC, AAMI, medical devices, invention,


  Welcome to Compliance Consultants...

...the more you learn...the more you will want us for FDA!


Our site is designed to inform you about subjects critical to your success. Usually our clients are trusting us with their future. We do not take that obligation lightly. This site will continue to grow to cover pertinent issues. Visit us at http://www.complianceconsultants.com.


Consider that our fee is insignificant. Once you achieve FDA approval the value of your invention can easily quadruple.


Look at the financial aspects of achieving Financial Leverage of Regulatory Approvals. The value of obtaining an FDA approval become much clearer.


For the cost of our fee you could sell your product in the U.S. at a markup of possibility 40% to 60%.


If you were to permit a U.S. company to submit your product or drug you would save our fee but could only sell through them at a 15% to 25% markup (and you would be locked into that company, indefinitely). Most U.S. companies would also require you to agree to an indefinite non compete agreement meaning you could not later enter that product into the U.S. market on your own. Consider the per unit cost your product and your estimated selling price. Simple calculations would suggest our approach would yield a much higher return than your investment in us.




copyright by Compliance Consultants, Stamford, CT USA, September 2001



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  Compliance Consultants
1151 Hope Street
Stamford CT 06907 USA
voice 203 329 2700
fax 203 329 2345